
Best Mango Sticky Rice Melbourne

In this Thai mango sticky rice recipe, you'll learn how to make accurate Thai street nutrient style coconut gummy rice with mango.

Let'southward get started making this recipe!

What is Thai mango sticky rice?

Notation: If you want to get straight into the recipe as fast as possible, scroll down to the video and recipe box below. Just for a more than in-depth explanation virtually this Thai dessert, continue reading this entire post.

In Thai it's chosen khao neow mamuang (ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง), khao neow (ข้าวเหนียว) means glutinous sticky rice, while mamuang (มะม่วง) means mango in Thai.

Within Thai cooking, sticky rice is the staple starch of northern and northeastern Thai cuisine (Isaan), and information technology's also normally used in all sorts of Thai desserts.

For Thai mango sticky rice, the sticky rice is steamed, mixed with thick kokosnoot foam and sugar, paired with perfectly ripe xanthous sweet mango, served with some actress coconut cream on the top to make it even improve, and finally ofttimes some crispy yellowish mung beans are sprinkled on the very elevation.

authentic Thai recipes

Ingredients for khao neow mamuang

Ingredients you'll need:

For the sticky rice

  • one kg. Thai sticky rice (ข้าวเหนียว)
  • 800 ml. coconut foam (หัวกะทิ) – If you can't get fresh coconut milk, this is my favorite type in the box.
  • 150 thousand. sugar (น้ำตาลทราย)
  • one tsp. salt (เกลือ)

For the mango

  • Sweetness xanthous mangoes (มะม่วงนำ้ดอกไม้)
  • 100 thou. yellow mung beans (ถั่วเหลือง) – optional

For the coconut cream topping

  • 200 ml. coconut cream (หัวกะทิ)
  • 1/iii tsp. salt (เกลือ)

Really adept quality coconut cream (or canned or box coconut milk) and really juicy sweet mangoes are the central to making this Thai mango sticky rice recipe.

Thai sticky rice

Start with the sticky rice

Viscous rice

Thai sticky rice sweetened with sugar and coconut cream is a popular base for many dissimilar Thai desserts, and it'south highly of import for this mango sticky rice recipe.

If you have an Asian supermarket available, look for Thai pasty rice, or Thai gluey rice, or sometimes it's called Thai sweet rice (information technology's much unlike from regular jasmine rice, and different from Chinese sweet rice).

To make glutinous rice, y'all tin use my Thai gummy rice recipe. Nevertheless you'll want to pre-rinse it fifty-fifty more thoroughly to remove all the outer starch on each grain of rice before steaming information technology.

cooking sticky rice

Soak and launder the rice thoroughly to remove all starch

I washed the rice about 6 times to begin with, lightly rubbing the rice together to scratch off nearly of the starch. And so I immune the rice to soak in water for 6 hours. This is the 1 step where it's best to retrieve ahead before you get-go this mango gluey rice recipe so you accept fourth dimension to soak the rice.

In one case you've rinsed the rice six times, when you add together water again, the water should be clear, non milky from the starch. If information technology'south milky, rinse it a few more than times.

In one case your sticky rice has soaked for about vi hours, drain information technology, and it'southward time to steam information technology.

You tin can use any kind of steaming method you'd similar, just just brand sure the sticky rice is placed somewhere in a higher place steam in a pot, and covered.

I used the Thai / Laos traditional basket steamer and steamed the pasty rice for about 15 minutes.

Thai coconut milk

Kokosnoot foam

While your mucilaginous rice is steaming, you can get started on the coconut cream saccharide mixture.

For this recipe you're only going to desire to use coconut cream, which in Thai is called hua kati (หัวกะทิ). It'due south the richest and nearly butter thick coconut milk, so it's higher in fatty and just an amazing thing.

mango sticky rice recipe

Rut the coconut cream

In a medium sized sauce pan, add 800 ml. of the kokosnoot foam, and stir it in circular motions, but in one direction (make sure yous only stir in one direction or the coconut cream could start to curdle).

Immediately add 150 g. saccharide, and 1 tsp. of common salt, and keep stirring gently on the heat, making sure the saccharide completely dissolves.

Equally presently as the kokosnoot cream comes to a eddy and the sugar is fully dissolved, turn off the heat.

how to make mango sticky rice

Mix the coconut foam with the hot steamed pasty rice

Your sticky rice should withal exist steaming hot, and dump the whole lump of sticky rice into a estrus proof mixing bowl.

Take the coconut cream saccharide mixture, and beginning by first adding a couple spoons and delicately mixing it into the gummy rice.

Keep calculation more spoons (spoon by spoon) and stirring, but you want to gradually add the coconut cream so that it remains sticky simply doesn't get mushy.

authentic Thai recipes

Keep stirring, adding the kokosnoot cream slowly

You'll use all the coconut cream, simply add it little past trivial and mix, until it's all soaked upwards by the pasty rice.

When you're finished, you should about have a sticky grain pudding like texture, and the rice should be shining and glistening because of all that good for you kokosnoot fatty.

At this indicate the gummy rice is already to be eaten, make certain y'all taste exam it, it should be a chip sweet, and very rich and coconut-y tasting, with simply a hint of a saltiness to bring out the taste of everything.

thai street food recipes

Comprehend your mucilaginous rice or information technology will get crusty

When yous make this mango gummy rice recipe, if you're not planning to eat the sticky rice immediately, it'due south best to cover it in a plastic purse or plastic wrap then that it doesn't get dried out or crusty.

Normally in Thailand this type of viscous rice is not refrigerated or information technology will damage the texture and taste, so it's usually eaten inside a few hours of being prepared. It will even so work to refrigerate it, but it won't be nigh as good.

mung beans

Mung beans for topping


Finally, these are both optional, merely they are commonly accompanied with mango sticky rice in Thailand: extra coconut cream and crispy mung beans.

For the extra coconut foam, take the remaining 200 ml. of coconut cream, put in a pot on medium rut, add a pinch of common salt, and stir gently until information technology boils. Then put into a bowl to serve aslope your viscous rice mango.

For the yellow mung beans (you purchase yellowish mung daal), put a wok or frying pan on the stove on depression estrus, and dry fry the mung beans for a few minutes, stirring them continuously until they start to turn slightly golden and get more crispy.

best Thai mangoes

Let'south quickly talk about Thai mangoes


Mango glutinous rice wouldn't be complete without mango, and for this mango sticky rice recipe yous'll demand perfectly ripe mangoes that are silky in texture (not the stringy mangoes).

In Thailand there are a number of varieties of mango used for khao neow mamuang (ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง), but one of the nigh common is called mamuang nam dokmai (มะม่วงนำ้ดอกไม้) – literally translated to flower water mango.

mango sticky rice

Pare the mango and slice it into bite sizes strips

When information technology comes to Thai food and specifically Thai desserts, presentation and dazzler are hugely important.

And then vendors that sell mangoes or serve mango sticky rice take ultimate care in their mangoes, making certain they are not hobbling, but are cute and yellowish.

Most of the time in Thailand, the mango is peeled from the stalk side, slicing off long strands of the pare towards the pointy cease. Once the first half is peeled, it's and so sliced off the seed, so you're left with a mango steak from one side of the mango, and that'southward then cut into large bite sizes slices (might exist easier explained in the video below).

Thai street food

Assemble your mango sticky rice

Combining it all

One time you take all your components for this Thai mango sticky rice recipe gear up, information technology'southward fourth dimension to dish out a plate.

Put some coconut mucilaginous rice down on the base of a plate or bowl, slice on a fresh mango, sprinkle on some crispy mung beans, and finally serve the extra coconut cream on the side.

The recipe for sticky rice might make in total almost 10 – 15 portions, and you can really add every bit much or piffling mango to each plate as yous have, or every bit you similar.


Mango sticky rice recipe (ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง)

Mango sticky rice recipe (วิธีทำ ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง)

If y'all have a few minutes, start picket the video below:

(Or watch it on YouTube here:

Time: The sticky rice is best soaked in water for about six hours, but after that, this recipe only takes about thirty minutes to brand.
Recipe size: The rice makes most ten – fifteen portions, and it would probably exist best to apply well-nigh i/two mango per portion
Cooking utensils: Steamer, pot, wok / frying pan
Flavors: Sweetness

Thai Mango Gummy Rice Recipe

Total time

Recipe blazon: Thai

Cuisine: Thai

  • 1 kg. Thai viscous rice (ข้าวเหนียว)
  • 800 ml. kokosnoot cream (หัวกะทิ)
  • 150 g. sugar (น้ำตาลทราย)
  • 1 tsp. salt (เกลือ)
  • 200 ml. coconut cream (หัวกะทิ)
  • ⅓ tsp. common salt (เกลือ)
  • Sweet yellowish mangoes (มะม่วงนำ้ดอกไม้)
  • 100 g. yellow mung beans (ถั่วเหลือง)
  1. Rinse the viscous rice half dozen - 10 times, making sure most of the starch gets removed and you're left with articulate water. Then soak the rice submerged in water for nigh 6 hours.
  2. Using a steamer basket or other type of steamer, steam the sticky rice for about 15 minutes until fully cooked, then set bated.
  3. In a pot, add 800 ml. kokosnoot cream on medium estrus, and stir in i circular direction gentry. Add 150 yard. sugar and 1 tsp. table salt, and keep stirring and cooking until fully dissolved. When the kokosnoot cream mixture comes to a boil, turn off the heat.
  4. Put the fresh sticky rice into a mixing basin, and begin to slowly add in the coconut cream and sugar mixture. You'll combine all of it, but add together it spoon past spoon and work it slowly into the rice. Once all combined y'all should exist left with shimmering gummy rice that'due south almost a grainy pudding in texture. Your viscid rice is gear up, comprehend it with plaster and so information technology doesn't go crusty.
  5. In a separate sauce pan add the other portion of coconut cream and salt, and stir on low heat. Bring it to a eddy, then turn off the estrus, and set aside in a bowl. This will be served alongside the mango pasty rice equally a topping.
  6. In a wok or frying pan, using low heat, dry out fry the yellowish mung beans for a few minutes until they plow gilt crispy. Once more, set this aside as a topping.
  7. For the mango, start pare the skin, then cut off the meat from either side of the mango seed, and slice the mango into big bite sized pieces.
  8. On a plate, offset add a portion of sticky rice, top it with mango, sprinkle on some mung beans, and serve the extra coconut cream on the side.
  9. Relish!

When it'south mango season in Thailand, you'll observe mango sticky rice bachelor all over the streets - information technology'south ane of the most popular desserts - and it's also pretty easy to brand. Enjoy this street food manner recipe!


sticky rice mango

Thai mango mucilaginous rice!


Khao neow mamuang (ข้าวเหนียวมะม่วง), yellow juicy mango with sweet coconut glutinous rice, is one of the most incredible Thai desserts.

When it's mango season in Thailand, you'll find delicious ripe mangoes all over Bangkok, and you lot'll detect countless street nutrient carts and stalls at markets that sell sticky rice and mango.

If you lot can get some ripe yellow mangoes, sticky rice, and coconut foam, you tin brand this authentic Thai mango sticky rice recipe at home!

Let me know if yous have any questions in the comments beneath.

Besides, be certain to bank check out more authentic recipes hither.


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